Markrendl's Tweaks and Tips updated 05/29/03 This is a collection of tweaks and tips I've come across or put together since stating using WinMX. If you have any comments, corrections or suggested additions, please feel free to email me at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to improve your Internet connections in general Things that improve your general machine performance will naturally improve your WinMX performance as well. Routinely defragging your HD for example, or adding more RAM or upgrading your CPU. I recently switched from cheap plastic IDE ribbon cables to more expensive wound ones and have noticed a slight improvement in performance from that. Tweaking WinMX may do little good if your basic Internet connection or Windows related Internet settings are not optimized. The following sites offer valuable FAQ's, online tune-up or speed checks, and registry patches to help in this respect. Here are some places I'd recommend you drop by to do some testing and tweaking of your machine. Run their TCP Analyzer, an online diagnostics test of your system. They have a downloadable utility you may want to get as well. Run their tweaking test to get a more detailed second opinion of things you can do to improve your system. Run their speed tests to get an idea of your machines performance comparable to other machines from your area. This is another speed test site that is a more general second opinion test of your speed. I usually run it three times to get an average. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Know your Bandwidth It's important to know how much bandwidth you have at your disposal if you want to optimize your trading and avoid problems of connecting/disconnecting. Some people confuse raw speed with BW; an 8 mps ADSL does not mean you can DL/UL at 8 mps when using WinMX. If you've followed the advice given above and visited the page, you should have a fairly good idea of what this is. The test reports several different results and the one you're interested in is the last figure which reports the file transfer speed your machine can maintain based on your connection, cpu and HD performance. Note the lowest and highest results after running the test three times. This will give you a reasonable guide as to what you should expect to get when using WinMX. This transfer rate is your total capacity that must be shared by between your UL/DL. If the combo of your UL and DL BW gets close to this figure, you may experience any number of problems: additional connections may be refused or disconnect. If you do add more connections the speeds of one or more connections may drop off considerably. You have trouble browsing and searching accurately. Messages may not be properly transmitted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to make WinMX go faster High Speed connections will benefit from these tweaks the most. The following is a widely circulated tweak that I used quite happily for about four months. 1. Click on the settings button. 2. Click on Bandwidth Throttle. 3. Set download bandwidth to 100,000,000 bytes per second 4. Set upload bandwidth to 50,000,000 bytes per second 5. Ensure ticks are in the boxes. 6. Then set your throttle cycle to 50m/s, this should be good if you have a good PC with big memory, if not or you have problems reset it back to 250m/s. Throttle controls how much of the computers resources it will use. If you want to do something else while using WinMX, then set your throttle higher and if you are going to leave it over night then set it lower. For some reason those exact numbers increase your speed more than other numbers, even higher numbers don't work as well. OTOH, more recently I questioned an experienced WinMX computer guru who shared the following... "DO NOT cap your D/L speed, cap your U/L speed at about 80 or 85% of your max U/L capacity. Those are the best results you'll get...those mil figures are stupid, since they don't affect your real speed, they are way to much above your true capacity, it's as if you did nothing (excepted of course if you have a T3+)" His more detailed discussion of bandwidth limits: "Reasons for bandwidth limits, in short: if there is no limit on outgoing bw, your U/L take whatever bandwidth you have and meanwhile the ack packets for your D/L have to "sneak in" whatever hole has been left. As long as the distant comp has not received an ack, it does not send you the next packet and the D/L speed drops. By limiting a bit your outgoing BW (at about 80/85% of your max capability) you create available bandwidth for your ack packets... the ack going out at a faster rate, your D/L speed increases. D/L on cable is always faster than UL, but that does not change the ACK packet factor, which goes on you UL speed." "Lets say you have a standard cable connection for the sake of the demo at 512/128; that is 512 kb Download speed and 128 upload speed max. Now, these figures, (512/128) represent the line speed, not the K/s capability. To get the K/s you divide these figures by 8, which gives you a 64K/s download speed max, and a 16 K/s UL speed max. then you are quietly downloading a file at say 12K/S.... all goes well, you had no upload going on. Then someone queues up and you start to upload, at that moment, you OUTGOING bandwidth being NOT limited, the upload takes all your available outgoing bw. What happens then is that your D/L speed drops from your happy 12K/s to a lousy 2 or even less." "The reason for this is that when you download, every time you receive an IP Packet (a small part of the downloaded file) you computer has to send back an acknowledgement packet for the remote computer to be able to send you the next part of the file. Your outgoing bandwidth being occupied by the upload you are sending, the ack packet -- which has a lower priority -- has to wait to get out. Now, if you limit a bit your upload speed (outgoing bandwidth), there is some unused outgoing bandwidth and the ack packets make use of this tiny bit of bandwidth to get out faster. The ack being sent a a faster rate, the remote computer can send you the next file part faster too and magically (or so it seems), by reducing a little bit your U/L speed, you get a better D/L speed. is In short: lower upload speed, better download speed; but lower download speed doesn't give you a better upload speed." If we can get everyone to do this, we will all be cranking right along at high speeds. Use the settings and watch your speed increase dramatically especially if the other user has set them the same. According to one source the optimal speeds one can hope for are as follows... Maximum Speeds you can Expect (In Our Dreams): DSL: 1.5mbit down 256Kbit up... roughly 187KByte/Sec Down and 32KByte/Sec Up Cable: 1.5mbit down 512Kbit up... 187KByte/Sec Down and 64KByte/Sec Up Here are the original settings. Download Bandwidth: NORMAL 40000 Download Bandwidth: NORMAL 20000 Throttle Cycle: NORMAL 250ms I did not come up with this tweak and do not take credit for it. Another speed tweak is to maximize your WinMX peer BW limits. When you run as a primary connection, you use your global bandwidth for 3 things: 1) getting secondaries connected to you, receiving and storing their list, and having searches passing thru you. 2) running chat rooms; bigger and busier chat rooms need more BW or people may not be able to access. 3) making your own searches and UL/ DL. What you have to understand is whatever bandwidth you use in the primary setting, is subtracted from your global bandwidth leaving you with what is left for your U/L, D/l and searches so the higher the primary settings, the lower U/L and D/L speeds 1. Click on the settings button. 2. Click on WinMX Peer Network 3. Click on the Allocated Bandwidth and experiment with increasing or decreasing by one or two notches from where WinMX placed you by default -- depending on your priorities. Click on the Queuing button and you can set max uploads to 5 or more. Use the settings and watch your speed increase dramatically especially if the other user has set them the same. Note: You should also set a limit of 2 DL limit per user for yourself as a lot of people are now using Mxmoni or Leechammer and you're gonna find yourself ignored and dumped if you are swarming people with autoQ searches. To optimize your speeds on individual UL/DL, adjust bandwidth priority by right clicking on the user in question, then selecting that option from the menu. Decrease to reallocate BW priority as needed. If you have a very high-speed user, you may want to decrease priority to allow a slower user more, or the slower one may be choked off and time out. It's usually wise to monitor for a minute or so before and after making such adjustments to insure the resulting balance you are looking for. IMPORTANT: increasing BW priority often actually slows down potential transfer speeds as x10 for example is actually a cap of x10 - you will limit the DL from being any faster than that. It's much more effective to reduce BW priority on other DL's and leave the ones you want to be faster run on normal. To lower you chances of timeouts and disconnects, increase the time limits you'll tolerate before timing out. You can find these limits under the settings tab. If possible (you're not behind a firewall that blocks it and have no way of opening the port) use the Listen on Port XXXX for incoming TCP connections in Settings, Connection, Firewall/Network Settings. This will greatly reduce the number of Lost Connection and Timeouts waiting for incoming connection. This of course all depends on what the other user has set. If everyone has these setting we probably will not see Timeouts again. If you use Zone Alarm it will show two MX Icons in the programs area, the one you see when using WinMX and the other if you move your pointer over it will say something like Listening on port XXXX. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Switch servers to boost your speed Another simple way to improve your speed is switch servers if your speeds drop below what your normally expect. To do this, switch to the network window and disconnect. Wait five or ten seconds and reconnect. You will not lose any of your ongoing downloads or uploads by doing this and can often see a major improvement in your BW. Note: this will also drop you out of any chat rooms you’re in and close down any you happen to be hosting so beware. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Searching tips Check under both network search options as some users only seem to come up under one or the other, not both. Rerun your searches at regular intervals and reping as people drop out and more come online all the time. Adjust the minimum connection you will accept downwards. Slower connections aren't always slower in practice since they may not have as many people accessing so the net bandwidth available on an unused 56k may actually be higher than a clogged up T3. PING - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE use the PING options on your searches. THEY ARE THERE FOR A REASON! Do not bother people who show a (?) or a ping over 300. 90% of the time your transfer rate will be agonizingly slow. Pick people with pings under 100 whenever possible. [Ed Note: personally, I will try for connections up to 500.] Browse thru the files available of the people in your own queue. These folks have already indicated they want something from you - which is half the game. You may find something you like in what they have available. If you find something, queue up for what you want and message them offering a trade. Once they accept and start you up, you can do the same for them. Check the chat channels for room where people swap, particularly if there are ones dedicated to the kinds of files or the genre you are interested in. People there are often quite friendly and willing to help you out - if you're polite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to get more download sources 1 - Find a file you want to download and put it in your download queue. 2 - Now right click on the file and set it to "Auto-Complete". 3 - Right click on the file again and select "Find Alternates". 4 - When the search window appears delete the filename field (leave it blank) but leave the HASH>xxx code as is. 5 - Press search again. 6 - Wait for a while for WinMX to find more sources 7 - Right click on the on the file group (or file if only one source is found)and select Download (now the first 5-10 sources added to your download queue) Eventually you can expand the file group to see how many sources there are available and add them to your download queue when possible. REPEAT point 5 to 7 until you have sources enough. -------------------------------------------------- Dark blue - Already in your queue Cyan + Yellow - Can be added to your download queue This method works very well for me and others I gave this information. So I think it will work for you too... Enjoy ---Garth---DK--- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trading tips Message someone when you join their Q, offering to trade something for what you're interested in. Less than 5% of the people who enter my Q message me for trades. The 95% who don't sometimes have files I would like to get (I find them when I browse those waiting in line.) Which ones do you think are more likely to get a file from me the person who messages me, or the person I may happen to browse if I have some time to kill? OTOH If you have nothing to offer at all, either because you don't care to share, you have no hard drive space or don't want to use up bandwidth by uploading, then GOOD LUCK TO YOU! That gets you on an IGNORE list very fast, especially if you are trying to get a large movie file. Those just starting out can find this VERY frustrating. My advice to you is to get many files going (even if you don't want them) as fast as you possibly can. Do searches for any of the latest popular movies and/or music and keep them for trade bait. There are a lot of users so you can always find something if you try. Then, once you have stuff that others need getting what you want comes much easier. Also, a lot of people just use the "whois" button, which doesn't show what you are offering it only shows the number of files you have available. So make SOMETHING, ...*ANYTHING* available so that when people use "whois" it wont show a goose egg. Flooding a person's Q with files you want from them without arranging for this with them is more likely than not going to get yourself kicked out of line - especially with the spread of the use of Mxmoni and Leechammer. I often have a hundred or more people in Q at peak times and anyone who does this to me gets mass deleted as it makes it hard to find legitimate traders and it's not really fair IMHO for anyone to monopolize all the free DL slots a person has provided. If someone has a lot of files you want, message and get permission to q up - especially if you're not trading or have nothing they are interested in at the moment. When you are trying to get a small music file, and end up queued#, browse that person to see if they have a lot of large movie files. Movies take a LONG time. Being queued 1 when the person ahead of you is getting a movie is the same as being queued 30; you will wait for eternity. Sometimes you will run into situations where you connect to someone at 0.0 and eventually timeout while they seem to have no such problem. Any number of factors could be responsible. A few of these include: the quality of your/their connection, the number of connections you and they have going, bandwidth setting limits you/they have in place, bandwidth priority setting you/they have in place and firewall configurations. You may need to rebrowse and try reconnecting several times before you establish an acceptable connection. Personally, I usually limit myself to 2-3 tries depending on how busy I may be at the time. When trading with someone don't run off too quickly after making initial connections. Sometimes, when connections are not so good and the net is busy, people do timeout or get disconnected rather abruptly. Most people become a bit peeved when they time out after a minute or two and the other person doesn't respond at all to messages. It's easy to imagine being stiffed -- especially if this a first time to trade with a person. If you are going to be DL'ing from a person for several hours, the least you can do is invest 5-10 minutes to make sure their initial connection is a solid one. If you see your trading partner has timed out, send them a note calling this to their attention and reassure them you will help them finish the trade when they can Q up again. A lot of people do not monitor their ongoing trades that closely and the little note can save you both a lot of time in the long run as this may avert them simply cutting you off when they find they're not getting anything from you. Calling someone names or constantly sending messages saying "START ME NOW!!" in all caps will not get you the file any faster. It gets you, once again, on the IGNORE list. Asking nicely or explaining that you need to resume a file and are almost finished can sometimes get you in. Likewise, repeatedly asking to be started or for a trade when the person has already told you no once, isn't going to win you any friends or files. WinMX doesn't allow you to keep a permanent list of names in your Hotlist. Create a small text file and keep the names of 'good traders' and a list of trades in progress. This is helpful in getting things reorganized and restarted should you need to disconnect or if the network kicks you off for some reason - an unfortunately too common event it would seem:( You may also want to keep a blacklist of people you'd rather not deal with again in the future in the same file. Set up some auto-response messages to provide some basic info to those who try contact you. You can have any number of these; for when you're at work, sleeping, busy, on vacation, whatever. You can create these off the Hotlist Options menu under Autoresponder. This will make it easier for people to get a hold of you and create better understanding as to why you don't answer as quickly as they hope. You may find it helpful to include a GMT timeframe for some of these as not everyone may know what your local time is. To help you keep track of time in other parts of the world, pick up small freeware multi-time zone desktop clocks any number of places. I use clockrack, a freebie from PC Magazine. Some folks don't like getting messaged and turn off all messages in the privacy section. This is pretty annoying if such a person is in my Q and I might like to swap files with them, as I can't contact them. At minimum you should leave an option on for people you've q'ed to DL to be able to contact you - or don't expect much mercy in the Q, especially from those folks with a lot of popular files and long lines. If your online storage space is limited and you keep more files offline on CD/DVD, then you might want to make up a small text file with a complete list of the files you can make available for trades and keep that online for prospective traders to view. Note: some folks, myself included, don't really like messing with such situations as it's not always convenient to get re-q'ed if you happened to get disconnected while asleep or away at work and the other person thinks you're done and swaps the files offline again. Make up a want list of files you're looking for and post it in your movies folder. People who really want to trade with you may DL and find something you are really looking for and send you an offer to trade. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sharing Complete Files Initial impressions can be important when trading. One thing many people find annoying is wading thru long lists of partial files when browsing. To avoid that problem, don't share the folder you use for DL'ing files. Move fully downloaded files to another folder and share that one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Managing Your Q Recently several third party programs that can assist in managing and filtering your Q have been released and are spreading in popularity. Those who like to hog q's and not share files or slots will find themselves on more and more ignore lists as these gain more users. I've used these for a couple of weeks now and found one to be very helpful. MxMoni is my current choice as it’s proved a lot more stable than Leechammer. Leechammer has some nice features and a bit more customizable Q controls than MxMoni. MxMoni allows for some autoUL monitoring which Leechammer doesn’t support at this time. When Leechhammer addresses the stability problem, I’ll certainly give it another spin. Links: MxMoni Leechammer ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resuming DL's of corrupted Files One of the banes of WinMX is its annoying tendency to lockup and crash all to frequently. An unfortunate consequence of this is files you were in the process of DL'ing are often corrupted. This will result in getting the dreaded 'file mismatch' error message and your attempt to DL will be terminated. However, all is not lost; there are several things you can try which may get the defunct file up and running again. First, some have reported it's best to try DL'ing from the same user you were originally getting the file from; so always try to do that initially. If you still are unsuccessful, try DL'ing the file manually. First clear the partial file from your DL screen. Next when Q'ing -- right click instead of left click and select the manual option. This will call up a window showing you whether you have any salvageable partial files WinMX finds compatible. Select the compatible partial and keep your fingers crossed. You should try this 2-3 times before going to the next option. Should that fail, clear all user you are in Q to get the file from. Right click and select the 'trim 10k' option. You will get a warning notice asking you to confirm your decision. I normally do 12 trims as I've found that 95% of the time that's proved sufficient to restart a corrupted file. A more radical approach is to get a third party program like msplice and slice off 1 or more MB's of the file. I've heard some users cutting off as much of 10 MB's of corrupted files in order to salvage the rest. I've resorted to this a couple of times successfully. If you haven't been able to successfully DL the file after doing all these things, the file is probably beyond hope and you'll have to start over. If you have adequate HD space free, I suggest you create a backup directory of the partials you're DL'ing. I've started backing up my larger partials on a daily basis as a last ditch protection against totally losing files should my system crash due to WinMX or other SW lockups. With these you can always fall back to your last days completions rather than starting over from scratch. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Faster Messaging If you're doing a lot of trading or have a lot of files available, you're likely to get a fair number of similar kinds of messages or situations you will need to respond to. What I've found saves me a lot of time is saving some general messages I frequently use to a small txt file and simply copy and paste them into a blank message rather than type the same thing over again and again. Here's my current collection, feel free to modify to suit your own taste. You are waiting in my Q for a file, would you be interested in a trade? If so, start me up and I will do the same for you. Thanks If there's anything I can offer in trade for the file I'm q'ed for, please let me know. Thanks and have a nice day. I'm looking for someone willing to let me finish DL xxx - need another xxx MB roughly. Will trade a full file for it. Thanks and have a nice day. I'm DL'ing a file from you, thanks for sharing. If there's anything you'd like in exchange, please Q up and I'll start you up when I see you. Have a good day. I've been away at work, just got home. I see my DL's timed out; did you get cut off as well? If so, re-Q and I'll start you up again. I'd appreciate if you'd restart me too once I re-Q. Thanks. If you get disconnected or timeout for some reason re-Q and message me - I'll start you whenever I check in next. Thanks and have a nice day. Hang on; let me see what you got and how much BW I have available at the moment... Sorry, I don't see anything of interest to me. Due to the number of people normally in line, I only bypass it in the case of trades. You're welcome to remain in the Q as I do allow 1-2 nontrading uploads via that in addition to my trades. Have a nice day. Sorry, I'm pretty much at my limit for trades at the moment, perhaps another time. You're welcome to work your way thru the Q as I allow 1-2 nontrading DL's in addition to my normal trades. Have a good day. If you would like some tips on how to improve your WinMX and Internet connections, please download the tips file I have. I will automatically start that download up for anyone I see q'ed. Have a nice day. I'm having some network problems so need to reboot my machine. Please re-Q and I will start you up as soon as I see you. Please do the same for me. Thanks and have a nice day. Unless you can allocate more equal BW to what I'm giving you, I am going to terminate this trade as it will take far too long to DL from you at this rate. I'm sorry, I'm not getting anything from you so am terminating the transfer. In my experience, when getting a reported speed of K/s of 0.0, it's usually not worth the trouble. You are welcome to re-q and get the file you wanted that way. Have a nice day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Preview AVI's While Downloading After you have started the download... Right click the "Start" button on the desktop and select "Explore" Go to the directory where the movie file is being downloaded and create a copy (Ctrl-C and then Ctrl-V) of the file being downloaded (the file should say 0 bytes but when the copy is made the file size will be the current amount downloaded) Right click on the copy of the file that you just made and select Properties. A dialog will be displayed with a tab across the top called "Preview" select the Preview tap and the file can now be watched to ensure the file you are downloading is the correct file. Now the difficult part... Someone has to actually download the file or make a fake .MPG file to notify the rest of us... with these little tricks in mind, you can save yourself lots of hours, so also save everyone else some time too... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Beware of Printer Perils On my system, I discovered when I printed stuff to my parallel printer (an older Epson 600) while running WinMX that WinMX would freeze up and UL's and DL's ran the risk of timing out. I'm getting a new printer soon so will be curious to see if I have the same problem with that one or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Missing Codecs Unfortunately, there are many different ways that files can be created and the vanilla collection of codecs that comes with windows and even Divx will not cover all the possibilities. To save yourself grief DL and install some of the other common codecs. Nimo Codec Pack 50.7 is reportedly a pretty good collection. Xvid and Tsunami filter packs are others I've installed so far. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Getting Help There are a number of places one may turn for help with WinMX. 1. Read the available FAQ's and online help - A lot of useful info though newbies or technically challenged may be intimidated by the material in some cases. 2. Visit one of the help chats and pose your questions there. Be polite and wait your turn; most people will be happy to try to answer your inquiries and share the benefits of their experience. 3. Politely ask an experienced user - typically someone with a lot of files available for DL - for advice. These people may be rather busy - or not even available at the time - so you may not get a ready answer from them. 4. Download and read hints files individual users have posted. Note, some of these are fakes and are movie or music files instead. These text files shouldn't be very large so I wouldn't bother DL'ing any which are over 1000k myself. This file for instance is only about 40k. 5. There is a very good site on setting up WinMX :, with tons of information like this, pretty well detailed in layman's term the new URL in English is : ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sharing Files In addition to the earlier mentioned trading benefits, the more people that make files available, the easier it will be for others to find and receive what they're looking for. Even if you only share a few popular files, that will help reduce the q's. Sharing means not just hosting files on your machine, but allowing the bandwidth and DL limits that enable people to actually get the files from you at a reasonable rate of speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Security Considerations Anyone who's spending a lot of time connected to the Internet would be wise to consider installing a firewall to reduce the chances of undesired access to your machine. My recommendation is Tiny Personal Firewall, a highly rated freeware package used by the USAF among others. There are other shareware and commercial packages out there that can do an adequate job. Some of these are reviewed at Speedguide site listed above. Anyone DL'ing files from the Internet would be prudent to have anti-virus SW up and running to monitor their system in order to minimize the dangers of an infection. This should be updated on a regular basis as well, since new nasties are constantly coming into circulation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Firewalls by Classics4U [ED: It’s not uncommon to run into situations where someone connects with you but one of you isn’t able to DL from the other. This is often caused by firewall/router problems. The following commentary by Classics4U provides some possible solutions to this case and some additional hints on firewalls/routers.] There is a section in the software where you have to log in, usually a web based application. It will want a sn and password which it will tell ya. Then once your in, there will be various options. Somewhere in there look for NAT or port forwarding. If you don’t see it, go through them all till you do. It might ask for a "services" name; just type in anything like "winmx". Then there is a start port, end port, and ip address; actually it says server ip. Start port is in winmx 6257 so enter that, or whatever you have the port set to. End port is the same as in winmx 6699, or whatever you set it to. Finally, the server ip is your ip. Then the router knows when you're getting files from the ports on winmx and routes them kinda around the firewall. But one thing to remember if anyone decides to do this, once you click ok, it reboots the router so don’t be doing ANYTHING on the net as you will lose it. One other thing, if you have multiple computers on the router, each computer needs its own port numbers. For example, mine is standard winmx settings; 6257 and 6699. Another one is set on 7257 and 7699, with its own ip of course, and the other is 8257 8699. The main thing is the port numbers you set on computer has to match up in winmx settings and the ip has to be the ip your router is giving the computer. So you do each one individually, set the port settings for each machine to match the port settings on winmx in the router settings. You should be able to do all at once. Also, with 2 firewalls, only one person has to have ports forwarded. Finding IP number lick start button...... run type in winipcfg choose your network adapter and it will give ya the ip all computers will be the same except the last digit It does help to pull the power every 3 days or so, faster internet connection. The ping times tend to slow down from the router to the computer, so when your on winmx - and the internet is loading real slow or timing out - unplug the router for a few then it will scream. I do it when i reboot the modem, do all at once. When its slow, I get pings from the modem to the cable co at 50ms verses cable co to router @ 500ms. Reboot or power down fixes that right away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Stay Connected! I'm continually surprised at how short a time many people stay connected to the WinMX network. While I realize not everyone can afford to keep their machine connected 24/7, there are some advantages to doing so. 1. People you message will be able to respond to you, rather than get the annoying user not available. 2. You will actually reach the front of the q's of those users who share files in addition to trading them. 3. You keep your Hotlist so can more easily contact and browse good traders you've encountered. 4. You can finish full DL's -even at very slow speeds if you stay connected over several days. On a somewhat related note... WinMX is an international network. People are coming on at different times of the day all around the world. Don't expect someone on the other side of the world to be awake and at the keyboard every time you dash off a message. You may have to wait 6-8 hours to get a response from an opposite time zone. Of course there are a few of us Vampires/Night Owls who are the exception But, most of the world does sleep a third of the day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to Get Found After Disconnecting To make it easier for users you've been trading with to find you after you've been disconnected, add a small txt file to you shared files under your user name. This way people can search for you using the WinMX search engine. You may want to let people know about this fact either in your autoresponses or in messaging during trades. Encourage others to do the same thing. If you want to do this, you'll need to also add txt files to the type shared. Go to the shared files window Use chat rooms as a meeting place to find those you've gotten disconnected from when you've had to go offline for some reason. Sometimes these are pretty busy and you won't be able to enter so you may want to search both places for people. There are a number of AAA rooms, which is where you can find me usually, that are home to several hundred traders. There are numerous other smaller rooms with specialized tastes/genre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What this has done for me I'm on an 8 mps ADSL line running on an AMD 1.4 Thunderbird with 512 MB of RAM. I'm running Win98SE. Tweaking my OS using the Speedguide site has upped my best speed test to 190 kbs effective transfer speed at the bandwidth site, about 4x the ave for my region and better than the ave T1 line. My best DL speed for a single DL has reached over 180kps on one or two occasions. The best UL from me has been about half that speed roughly - about 80kps once I think. My overall DL max has topped out at 320kps one or twice and routinely fluctuates between 120-160kps, depending on time of day, quality and quantity of connections. It's important to remember average performance will not reach these levels. For example, as I type this I've got 7 UL's going averaging 6.5kps and 7 DL's ave about 8kps. Your speed will be slower when connecting to slower users Your mileage may vary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ What others report The following are comments taken from tweak files I've gleaned or in email sent to me. As I find/get more comments, I'll add them to this section. From a tweak file... I have seen downloads on my DSL as high as 100k/s with two or more uploads totaling in the 30k/s range. Before this 40k/s downloads and 20k/s uploads were the MAX. and very far between. This Just In: 163k/s on a 9.1meg MP3 from a T1 source in less than 60sec. WOW! From email to me... Thank you for your suggestions. A couple of weeks ago I downloaded the piece. A week ago I printed it. Today I by happenstance started reading it and made the suggested changes. The Changes didn't lead to any logical reason to me as to how there would be a beneficial effect. I finished and it all went out of my mind. A hour or two later, I look down and to my shock, I'm d/ling and u/ling at a combined total of over 130 kb per sec----or about 10X normal. I was in shock. I don't know what's in the "magic elixir" but it seems like my computer is loaded on "crack-cocaine" WOW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you would like to share your experiences, either positive or negative, please email me at